It seems weird for me to think that Christmas is in the summer here, but then I remember that in Texas Christmas is in the summer more years than not! This Christmas I will just be closer to the beach! The kids houses have their Christmas trees up already, and I know it is before Thanksgiving, but being that there is no Thanksgiving here there is no reason to argue.
I feel like I have already had Christmas once, I went to the Serpost to pick up one package and found I had 2! Never have I been so happy in my life to receive coloring books, cake mixes, and Pixy Stixs! (A special thanks to my dear friends Victoria and Abby for sending my there love in little brown packages tied up with string- just a few of my favorite things :) ) Shortly after Christmas too, there will be another because my beautiful mother and my giant little brother will be coming on the 30th of December! Just for a short trip but it will be wonderful
As far as things I have been doing that are more productive than receiving packages and dreaming of Christmas....the Lord recently revealed to me that at home the kids aren't getting the guidance in His word and way like they should in a good home that follows the Lord. So he put it on my heart to step in. We started out this month with doing the month of Thankfulness like in America- just without Thanksgiving. So I made a fun poster and placed it in the girls house for them to write things that they are thankful for. It is really beautiful to read them I think I might share them with you later. And then in their house there is a big white board and so with my wonderful bilingual Bible I have been writing a verse a week on it and I want to start challenging them to memorize the verse each week. Also the Lord has made it evident that there are a few of the older girls I could be discipling so I am figuring that out as well to start working on that! And another simple thing I can do with the kids is praying with them everyday. So that is what I am doing currently besides playing in the sand and eating ice cream with little kids- even though both those things are quite fabulous in my book!
I hope you are all doing well and that you have a wonderful holiday! Fill up on pie for me, was never a big fan of turkey and the thanksgiving food, but the pie I do love, so eat up all the pie and do some black Friday shopping foe me!!!!
Peace and love.